Visitor Management System

  • The safety and security of students and staff is a priority at Brockport Central School District. To enhance our security efforts, we implemented a new visitor management system into all school buildings effective for the 2017-18 school year. The system more thoroughly screens visitors and enriches our ability to track who is in the building during the day.

    All visitors who enter any school on campus during school hours are required to show a valid, government issued photo identification (ie: driver’s license) upon entry. The new, computerized system scans the ID to ensure there is nothing indicating they should not be allowed into the building, including clearance by the national sex offender registry. The ID will not need to be re-scanned during subsequent visits because it is saved in the system. A customized visitor pass will then be printed for each guest to wear for the duration of their stay in the building.


    What is the new visitor management system?

    Brockport CSD implemented the Raptor Visitor Management System, a web-based software application that allows the district to track visitors by scanning their driver’s licenses and searching their names against the sex-offender databases of all 50 states.

    Why is Brockport CSD adding this system?

    The Raptor system is an additional layer of security to protect students and staff at Brockport CSD. The system will enhance our ability to track who is inside our schools, as well as warn us of visitors who may be a danger. Further, it will maintain a record of all visits and allow us to identify legitimate visitors via their visitor photo badges.

    What data is scanned and saved? Is the data protected?

    Raptor scans the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo only. Raptor utilizes multi-level safety systems to protect this data. Brockport CSD will only save the data scanned to maintain a record of visitors.

    What visitors should be scanned?

    A visitor is any person that is not a Brockport Central School District student, staff or board member. This includes parents of students, volunteers, alumni, contractors and delivery personnel. On-duty law enforcement will not require scanning nor will any Fire/EMS personnel responding to a call for service in any school on our campus.

    What if I forget my photo ID?

    We understand this is a new process and will be accommodating as visitors adjust to the system. Visitors will still be required to share their name, date of birth and reason for their visit. That information will be inputted into the system and a visitor pass will be printed. Visitors will be reminded to bring their photo identification with them next time they enter any school on campus.